Bought this book last sunday at MPH
My review: Awesome .....Backed up with Ahadith and Surahs
" Oleh sebab itu Allah membalas kamu (dengan peristiwa) yang mendukacitakan (kekalahan), dengan sebab perbuatan (kami menderhaka) yang mendukacitakan itu, supaya kamu tidak bersedih hati akan apa yang luput dari kamu dan tidak (pula bersedih hati) akan apa yang menimpa kamu. Dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Mengetahui dengan mendalam akan apa jua yang kamu lakukan". (Surah Ali Imran:153)
Its a really good book and I loved it so much
It's one of those books that you can really feel like you're in the book.
It is a fairy's about vampires and werewolves - But I love it anyway
1) Twilight : One of my favorites
Edward the vampire fall in love with Bella (the human girl)
"and so the lion fell in love with the lamb......"
2) New Moon : Here come the werewolve BUT this one make me cry
" Take care of yourself," he breathed, cool against my skin.
There was a light , unnatural breeze. My eyes flashed open.
The leaves on a small vine maple shuddered with the gentle wind of his passage
He was gone.
With shaky legs, ignoring the fact that my reaction was useless,
I followed him into the forest. The evidence of his path had disappared instantly.
There were no footprints, the leaves were still again, but I walked forward without thinking. I could not do anything else. I had to keep moving. If I stopped looking for him, it was over.Love, life, meaning....over.
3) Eclipse :
Bella must choose her fate. She wants to become immortal and be with Edward, but she must give up her family to do so.
4) Breaking dawn : ...and they lived (Live ????) happily ever after
Mmmm what can I say...Oprah Book Club #62
Still at page 135...Hope that I can finish reading this weekend